Club Bylaws



The name of this club is the “ISOTOPES RADIO CONTROL FLYING CLUB.” The club is located in Owensboro, Kentucky, 42303.

The club’s model flying site location and GPS coordinates are identified and maintained in the Standing Rules and with the AMA Charter Club information.


The club’s purpose is to promote the hobby of building and operating radio-controlled aircraft through the use of meetings, instruction sessions, workshops, demonstrations, and organized competition. The club is a community based, non-profit, unique interest organization open to individuals of all race, creed, national origin, gender, age, or disability according to the provisions of these bylaws and the Academy of Model Aeronautics.

The club is a Charter Club (No. 1734) sanctioned by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and abides by the AMA guidelines, rules, and regulations.

The club is a community-based organization with all rights, privileges, and attributes as such.


The club will maintain a minimum membership level, five members; at least three will be full adult members.

Charter Level Membership – is for individuals wishing to enjoy all of the club’s membership privileges and includes the model aircraft FLYING privilege at the flying field. This level of membership requires that the individual will hold one of the following AMA memberships and be in good standing with the club:

  • Lifetime (adult)
  • Senior (adult)
  • Extra Family (adult)
  • Park Pilot (adult)
  • Free Youth (under age of 19)
  • Affiliate (nonspecific)
  • Temporary AMA membership letter

For Charter level membership, the following adult/youth age criteria will be followed:

  • Adult – Flying membership is open to anyone over the age of 19 years old or older that has and maintains an ADULT AMA membership status as of July 1 in the current calendar year and is a good standing member of the club.
  • Youth – Flying membership is open to anyone under the age of 19 years old that maintains an AMA youth membership status as of July 1 in the current calendar year and is a good standing member of the club. Individuals under 19 years of age cannot hold club officer positions but may have Charter member status and flying privileges. Youth members may also vote in elections and club meetings. 
  • Associate/Patron Members – Non-flying and non-voting membership is open to anyone of any age who desires club membership without flying and without voting or office holding privileges and is in good standing with the club. Associate/Patron members are not required to be AMA members.

Membership Information and AMA Verification – Each club member will provide the following information to the club to join and be a good standing member.

  • Adult or Youth AMA Number (excluding Associate/Patron members)
  • Name: First and Last
  • Mailing Address
  • Contact Person (if an AMA youth member and under age 19)
  • Emergency Contact
  • Person and phone number (OPTIONAL)
  • Email address
  • Birthday (if an AMA youth member under the age of 19)

For Charter Level Membership status, the individual’s AMA membership type and expiration date must be valid and verifiable at the AMA website. Each member’s responsibility is to maintain their AMA current membership with the AMA and their club membership to qualify for Charter Level status.  It is each member’s responsibility to ensure the AMA site has the correct information for the individual. The club is NOT responsible for errors, missing, or incorrect information provided to the AMA by the member.


Membership Dues Structure – The annual dues are set and contained in the standing rules. The table shown here is for information only. Check the latest revision of standing rules for any changes and current rates.

Member Type

  • Adult (over 19 years old by July 1st current calendar year) – $60.00 US
  • Youth (under 19 by July 1st current calendar year) – Free
  • Associate – Patron Membership – Free

All dues are payable starting September 1 and ending by October 30 each year for the next calendar year to be a member in good standing.

All fees and dues must be paid when assessed or due. They are not refundable to the member and cannot be transferred to another individual.

Membership dues paid during the current calendar from January 1 thru August 31 will apply ONLY to the current calendar year thru December 31. All dues paid in September thru December will apply from the date the payment is received to December 31 and include the next calendar year from January 1 to December 31.

All membership dues will be paid by check made out to the Isotopes Radio Control Flying Club and will include the member’s valid AMA number(s) in the check or cash memo section. All dues will be accompanied by a completed membership envelope and sent or given to the Treasurer.


MEMBER SAFETY – All club members must abide by the club bylaws, standing rules, and grievance procedures.

MEMBER RESIGNATION (written) – A club member must resign their membership by submitting a written letter to the club President or Secretary for the resignation to be valid.

MEMBER TERMINATION (automatic): The following events will automatically trigger the following actions:

  • If any Charter Club member ceases to have the qualifications necessary for membership in the AMA, his/her membership in the club will immediately shift to a Patron/Associate club membership. This will immediately terminate and forfeit ALL member flying privileges at the club field, and all club sanctioned flying events.

MEMBER RESTORATION – Any Member terminated automatically for item 1 listed above may be reinstated to the appropriate membership level by:

  • Providing proof of a valid and verifiable AMA membership to the appropriate club officer and once they are re-listed by a club officer to the AMA’s Charter club membership list.
  • And (if necessary) they are considered in good standing with the club by paying all required annual dues.

MEMBER EXPULSION or LOSS OF GOOD STANDING – These actions provides for enforcement of the club’s bylaws/standing rules, AMA rules, guidelines, and governing documents as they relate to flying activities, club participation, behaviors, or any other unacceptable actions by an individual(s) and/or member(s). Any individual/member may be disciplined following the grievance procedure in the standing rules if determined by the officers that the individual willfully commits any act or omission which is a violation of any of the terms of these bylaws, standing rules, or the rules of the AMA, or which is detrimental to the club, the AMA, or to model aviation.

Or, any individual/member may be expelled from the club and flying field following the grievance procedure is determined by the club officers that the individual willfully commits any act or omission which is a violation of any of the terms of these bylaws, standing rules, or the rules of the AMA, or which is detrimental the club, the AMA, or to model aviation.

MEMBER REINSTATEMENT AND RETURN TO GOOD STANDING – A member may be reinstated or returned to good standing by applying and executing the procedures listed in the grievance procedures.


President – (AMA Adult membership required)

  • The President is the executive officer of the club and presides at all meetings.
  • He or she is the official spokesperson for the club.
  • The President is authorized to self-approve expenditures up to the levels defined by the bylaws without the club voting.
  • The President will call special meetings for all officers as needed when situations and events dictate.
  • With the approval of the other club officers, the President may make Volunteer appointments to specific roles and officer roles as defined by the bylaws.
  • The President will be empowered to break all club membership, committee, and officer voting ties (excluding elections) by casting the deciding vote.
  • All other responsibilities, duties, and actions necessary that are not assigned to other officers. The President may delegate these duties if required.
  • The President shall manage, modify, and change as necessary with the officers’ consent the duties for officers/volunteers to ensure an effective and efficient club. These routine and general duties are defined within the Isotope Clubs’
  • Administrative Guidelines document. It may be amended at any time and for any reason by the President at a club officer’s request. The approval of membership is not required for modification of this document.

Vice President – (Optional, Adult AMA membership required)

  • The Vice President will assist the President in all matters and assumes the duties of the Presidential duties if for any reason the President is unable to perform those duties.
  • If the vice president cannot perform his/her duties, the Secretary (first) and then the Treasurer (second) will assist with or take over the responsibilities as needed.

Secretary – (Adult AMA membership required) – The Secretary keeps accurate minutes of all regularly scheduled and called club meetings and records attendance.

  • The Secretary maintains an up-to-date membership record of all club members, including mailing addresses, AMA membership numbers, and other contact information.
  • Performs official correspondence for the club as directed by the President. Maintain the Club document archives as necessary for seven years.
  • Registers the club by submitting the charter application and fees with the AMA annually each year.

Treasurer – (Optional, Adult AMA Membership is Required)

  • This office is optional or can be combined with any other officer position) – The Treasurer manages all club funds, collects dues when they are payable, and is authorized to pay all club legal and approved obligations from these funds.
  • The Treasurer is authorized to self-approve expenditures to the levels defined by the bylaws without the club voting.
  • Maintains appropriate record-keeping of all monetary transactions as executed and presents a current monthly Treasurer’s report at each scheduled club meeting.
  • The Treasurer is the sole officer’s task to enforce the funding and expense authorization rules, and his/her decision is final.

Safety Officer (Coordinator) (Adult AMA membership required) – The Safety Officer promotes and encourages a climate of safety awareness within the club.

  • He or she provides a communications link between AMA and the club in matters related to safety.
  • He or she should be a mentor, serve as a role model, educator, and promoter of safety awareness in the club and community.
  • The Safety Officer establishes a club emergency action plan to handle serious accidents/incidents and annually reviews emergency procedures with club officers and members via meetings and email.
  • The Safety Officer coordinates and submits on behalf of the club all safety-related communications to Academy of Model Aeronautics 5161 East Memorial Drive Muncie, Indiana 47302 (765) 287-1256 – Business (765) 289-4248 – Fax (800) 435-9262.
  • Chair and manage the safety committee if directed by the President.


APPOINTMENTS – the President may appoint representatives to stand (long term) and select (limited duration) committees to plan special activities or conduct research and make recommendations for improvements to club safety, activities, management, membership, and flying sites or business-related issues.

The committees will function and operate under the President’s direction and will report directly to him/her. The committees may interact with outside agencies, individuals, AMA organizations, other modeling groups, education groups and institutions, all club members, community agencies, and elected officials as necessary to complete their duties.

The committees will not make any commitments on behalf of the club. Still, they will take discussions, facts and findings, and recommendations to the President for submission to the club as necessary.


Regular Monthly Club Meetings – The regular monthly meetings for the membership will be held each month. The meeting location, time, and date is forth in the standing rules.

Special club meetings – Special membership club meetings may be called by any three (3) club officers, followed by email notice to the membership at least fourteen days in advance.

Membership CALLED the membership could initiate special meetings by sending an email petition to the President or Secretary signed by 50% of the voting club membership, with a confirmation phone call to the President or Secretary. The meeting will be scheduled fourteen days from the request by the President.

“Officer ONLY” meetings – Meetings for just the officers may be called by a majority of the club officers at any time and for any reason deemed sufficient by the requesting officers. These meetings will be just for the officers and will NOT include the membership. The officers will be required to report the meeting’s summary results to the membership at the next regular club meeting.

THE “ANNUAL” MEETING – the January regular meeting will be designated as the annual meeting for any club business that calls for a yearly event, activity, or action not scheduled elsewhere in the bylaws or standing rules.

MEETING QUORUM – to conduct official club business at the meetings mentioned above in this article (excluding the “officer only” meetings), at least 25% of the vote eligible club membership must be considered a business conducting quorum. A simple majority vote of the membership in attendance (50% plus 1) will be required to approve any motion submitted for a vote except where the voting is limited and defined elsewhere in the bylaws.


CLUB OPERATING BUDGET – the Treasurer will construct and recommend Officer approval of the club’s annual operating budget based on past spending, expected commitments, and signed agreements based on meeting minutes, the membership passed resolutions, spending votes, and similar financial authorizations. A majority vote will approve the annual budget of the club officers.
Spending authorizations and Amounts – The club officer’s authorization limits will be set as follows:

  • The President
  • The President (or other officer assuming the role of President as defined in the bylaws) is authorized to self-approve without a club vote any single club expenditure up to $500.
  • The President has an annual (calendar year) spending cap of 1,000.

Any amount singularly greater than $501 and less than $1,000 requires a club approval vote at any designated or called membership meeting with the proper meeting quorum present.

Any amount singularly greater than $1,001 requires an email notice to the eligible membership and a majority vote of the suitable membership for approval.
Any periodic payment amount (loans, leases, etc.) that exceeds $1,001 in total annually requires an email notice to the eligible membership and a majority vote of the suitable membership for approval.
All extended agreements for the club greater than two (2) years in length and exceeding an amount greater than $1,001 annually require an email notice and a majority vote of the eligible membership for approval.

The Treasurer is authorized to self-approve without a club vote any single club expenditure up to $200.
The Treasurer has an annual (calendar year) spending cap of $1,000.
All other expenditures and related financial duties will be directed by the President and an approved membership motion/resolution.

Checking account debit cards are approved for use by the President and Treasurer, governed by the appropriate bylaw spending authorizations and limits.

All adjoining and similar spending and agreement authorizations will be considered only as a particular event/need and will NOT be separated to circumvent or bypass the authorization limits. Splitting large authorization requests into components will not be allowed.
In the “rare case” where an “emergency” spending or agreement is needed, a special officers meeting will temporarily act for the club. This will be immediately followed with email notice to the club membership explaining the reasons for the emergency meeting, the meeting decision(s), and action(s) taken, along with all placed motions, motion votes, and outcomes. All activities from this meeting must have three officers present, and all votes must be unanimous by the attending officers.


The club officers have the authority to construct “Positive Vote Challenge” (PVC) email notices when necessary to promote membership engagement and move club business forward for the following; all general club business, resolutions, motions, spending authorizations, budgets, safety initiatives/rules changes, and standing rule amendments.

The PVC notices will be considered a YES VOTE(S) cast for the non-responding member unless an email to the contrary is received AND ACKNOWLEDGED by the Secretary before the designated voting day from any member. OR a member personally attends the designated voting meeting and casts an overriding NO vote to the email for the resolution.

The Secretary will send to the entire membership before the meeting a list of received votes to acknowledge the members that did vote and a list of non-responding voters that will be counted as Yes votes if not overridden at the meeting.


All club members have the right to submit bylaw amendments at any time for any reason. All bylaw amendments will be submitted in writing by the requestor to the Secretary for recording and scheduling in a monthly meeting for presentation and voting initiation.

All proposed bylaw amendments will be submitted to the members at a regular meeting and sent as an email notification to the Secretary’s entire membership. The bylaws will be voted on to APPROVE or FAIL at the next regular meeting following the email notification unless provided for otherwise. Bylaw amendments will be approved by a majority vote from the eligible membership. Positive vote challenge email notices WILL NOT be used for bylaw changes.

The amendment will be considered valid and approved if both steps listed below are successfully completed:

  • At least 2/3 of the eligible membership must complete and cast a ballot for the amendment to be considered, and
  • Once the ballot mentioned above a threshold is reached or surpassed by the club, the amendment will be considered accepted if it receives the majority of cast ballots that voted the amendment APPROVED.

If either of the two criteria mentioned above is not reached, the amendment will have FAILED and removed from consideration and discarded.

The Club bylaws will be sent by the Secretary to members before the annual meeting and posted or available at the flying field for reference.


REGULAR CLUB MEETING – the meeting format will follow these general steps when possible. They may, however, be amended to suite special needs or improve the meeting quality as necessary by the presiding officer:

  • Call to Order
  • Attendance Count
  • Previous Meeting Minutes Reading and Approval
  • Treasury and Finance Report and Approval
  • Old Business and Resolutions
  • New Business and Resolutions
  • Safety Discussions
  • AMA Update
  • Meeting Closure and Dismissal


NOMINATION AND VOTING – the nomination of candidates for elected office will take place at the September meeting. A candidate for office may be nominated by any eligible member attending the meeting. It is not necessary for a nominee to be present at the meeting, provided the member making the absentee nomination has the nominee’s consent to the nomination. The President must confirm the absent nominee’s approval before the nominee’s name will be listed on the ballot.

A valid candidate must have the necessary qualifications to hold office for the vote to count; they must be a club member in good standing, and
hold a current adult AMA membership, and
have consented to run for office for which the vote will be cast.

All nominations must be made at the September monthly meeting, excluding write-in candidates. A write-in candidate may-be added to the ballot for each office being contested. The ballot will be emailed or mailed to eligible voting members by the club Secretary by September 21. Ballots must be returned by no later than the scheduled special election meeting scheduled by the officers to be held by October 30 to be valid. Ballots received after the special election meeting in October will NOT be counted or considered cast.

All members must vote by mail, email, or at the election voting meeting. NO VOTING WILL BE HELD AT A MONTHLY MEETING.

Each ballot will contain information to cast a nominee ballot or add a write-in candidate/vote. Each ballot will contain instructions on how to cast a vote by email or mail-in to the Secretary. The only one returned ballot will be accepted per eligible member. Ballots may not be changed once emailed or mailed.

The votes will be tallied and verified by at least two club officers.

OFFICERS ELECT – the candidate receiving the majority of valid ballots cast for each office will be considered the successful candidate and become the officer-elect for that office. In case of a tie vote, the successful candidate will be determined by a simple lottery drawing of numbers. The highest number will become the officer-elect for the tied position.

Should a candidate reject the officer-elect position, the candidate who receives, the next highest vote will be the designate replacement officer-elect.

Suppose no-one accepts an officer-elect position mandated by the AMA (President, Secretary, and Safety Officer). And no qualified individual volunteers for an officer position that is REQUIRED, the current President will temporarily appoint a person to fill the officer-elect position. The appointed club member is obligated to serve and maintain good standing if NO qualified individual fills the place. The club cannot continue as a Charter Club or receive other AMA Charter club benefits, including landowner insurance). All existing club officers will immediately meet to consider the next steps for the club and its membership.

The successful candidates/volunteers and existing officers will commence the transfer of critical information and duties over the next two months from the November club meeting to December 31. The new officers-elect and accepted volunteers will accept their respective positions on January 1 of the new calendar year.


VOLUNTEER CLUB MEMBERS – The club welcomes and encourages individuals to step forward and volunteer to perform the many tasks and roles need to make the club successful. The club recognizes and endorses the following volunteer opportunities for participation at all levels of the organization.

CLUB OFFICERS – Any club member who meets the qualification for a role as an officer may volunteer (not elected) to fill the position defined in the bylaws for one year or to complete the current year term. The volunteer must make known their interest to the presiding President and Secretary. Suppose there are no objections by all existing club officers, nor a quorum of the membership at the next scheduled monthly meeting. In that case, the individual will be granted the opportunity to fill the role as a volunteer, complete the office term until the next scheduled election, or resign or replace another club member. The volunteer officer will be enjoined with the role and duties designated to that office and listed with the AMA as the Charter Club’s Officer filing the specified position.

Because the individual filing the official position is a volunteer, the President, and all other officers can request the volunteer step away from the role at any time for any reason. The volunteer will immediately relinquish the role and any club-related information and documents necessary for the transition and cub archive.

MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE ROLES – During the year, many critical activities require timely attention to service the club’s events, facilities, equipment, buildings, and flying field. This also includes the installation of new equipment and other improvements. And the many services that are necessary to make the club successful. The club greatly appreciates and accepts both club members and general public volunteers to help the club use donated labor, materials, and valuable time. Some of the activities provided by volunteers are listed below:

  • Social Media, club photographer, newsletter editor and etc.
  • Field mowing and spraying
  • Runway and power equipment maintenance
  • Building and flight line maintenance
  • Miscellaneous work details
  • Fun fly attendants, cooks, helpers, and coordinators
  • R/C Mentors, flight instructors, and spotters
  • Many others are filling a wide array of club jobs and roles.
  • And they are donating patrons that are engaged at many levels.


Standing rules (which include the grievance procedure) may be adopted from time-to-time as needed to promote and improve the club. Standing rules may-not override bylaws. Standing rules may be amended by providing an email notice before the regular monthly meeting and will be adopted by most of the vote eligible members attending the meeting.

A list of all standing rules will be attached to the bylaws for information purposes and emailed to the membership.

Minor editing and rules adjustments may be made by the Officers with a consensus agreement of the officers (not a vote) that the edit reflects a more accurate rule modification, administrative change and or necessary safety adjustment to keep the club in compliance with the AMA and administratively with the bylaws and approved membership motions and resolutions. The edited standing rules will be emailed to the membership once the edit is completed and reviewed by the Officers.

The current standing rules will be posted on the club’s website or other social media sites and at the field shelter if possible by the responsible officers.


DISSOLUTION RESOLUTION – Should the officers determine that it is in the best interest of the club and membership that the club should be dissolved, they will:
Convene special officers meeting to determine the path forward.

Hold an officer vote to dissolve the club. The vote must be unanimous, with all officers voting.

Jointly prepare and sign a written resolution, stating the reasons for the action(s) to the club membership and setting a date for a membership discussion and voting meeting.

The club may only be dissolved by a 2/3’s majority of the entire voting membership at the special meeting.

If the vote confirms the club is dissolved, the order will be issued by the officers stating such to the membership. The officers will determine what steps will be taken to dispose of the club’s real property and complete payment of all outstanding obligations and contracts.

If any real property remains unclaimed or unsold, it will be donated to another local club if possible. If not, it will be retired and discarded.

Should the club have a “special project” designated where specific donations are earmarked for the project. After payment of the club’s general outstanding obligations/contracts and special project obligations, those funds will be redistributed pro-rata to the original donors based on their incremental contribution to the particular project. These funds will be separated and tracked from the general club operating funds by the Treasurer.

Any remaining amounts of money will be contributed to the AMA scholarship fund on behalf of the club members except for those mentioned above “special project” dedicated funding.